Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Desperately seeking summer...

After the super nice day yesterday waking up to pouring rain did not put me in the best mood. It seems to have had the same effects on almost everyone. So I thought maybe I would find some photos that remind me of summer. These are some of my favorites from last spring/summer.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

aww.. how cute...
why would you say I wouldn't like the last picture? I think it is cute! lol

oh yeah I think the bad mood part about some people was about me haha
you could have said mimi lol...

I really don't know what my problem was...

I am pretty excited for you to learn me how to take pictures lol... i am just kidding about toe learning me part I know how to talk haha =p
and the Bahamas, and possibly Rascal or Brad =] hehe