Sunday, December 7, 2008

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday kept us busy with Christmas activities. We went with Richie's mama to pick the perfect tree. It was Amber's turn to pick. Thank goodness she found one fast because it was cold out there. Richie cut it down like always and loaded it up on the cart. It wasn't as slippery as last year and we were able to ride the tractor to the field on the other side of the creek. Adam said he saw the tree he wants for next year. Hopefully it will still be there!

After Christmas tree picking it was time for Christmas cookie making. This picture pretty much sums up our cookie adventure... not so good. Yes those are pecans in the heater vent. It was at this point I told the dog that he couldn't lick those nuts. I didn't mean it the way it sounded, at the time he was making laps around the kitchen licking the floor to make sure we didn't drop anything yummy. Thank goodness the vent was closed and we could just pull it out and throw the pecans in the trash.

We did have some success but because of our poor planning, and this being the first time we made cookies on our own we couldn't make any more cookies Saturday. All of the dough had to chill before we could roll, flatten, cut, and bake it.

Sunday we decided to stay home since the roads were covered by the lovely snow. We finished the cookies and then enjoyed sitting on our sofa. It's nice to spend a lazy day at home. B is a pro at relaxing.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Ha I love it!
The pecan quote is the best haha =p
Cookie making = fun
Sliding into a ditch= not so fun =[
Ha but it's all good in the hood