Monday, May 5, 2008

Softball & Prom

Woah.... I have about a million pictures to post. Busy weekends = lots of photos

Saturday morning softball games... we have to go back when it isn't raining. Al's a beast and throws the ball so dang fast that I can't get a shot where her hand isn't blurry. Maybe some sunshine would help that out.

I missed her only hit because I was complaining about something... I should pay better attention especially when the purpose of my being there is to take pictures!

Saturday afternoon: Fun time with Caiden and getting our hair "did". Loved the fun hair and nails. I felt like such a girly girl.

Saturday night... PROM (number 4 for me, number 6 for Richie)


Melissa said...

we do look pretty beast in our shirts with our hair "did"

we look even beastier[if that's a word] at prom though =]

now all we have to do is get our nails did fo real =p haha

Melissa said...

I know I am the survey queen..
I get bored..
I get tired of answering them too.. but it's something to waste time..
I wanna see the pics of Al..


boots with the furrrrrrr....