Thursday, August 15, 2013

PL 2013 - Week 32

Tuesday: I had a blanket on the floor last weekend and noticed that the Girly was having a lot of fun with it so I decided to put down a "picnic" blanket. She is now obsessed with it and wants it on the floor everyday. She really loves when she has a "picnic" snack and doesn't have to sit in her high chair.

Wednesday: Me: Gracie smile so I can take your picture. The Girl: Um, no.

Thursday: I went to some garage sales with Miss Carol. I'm pretty sure we got almost every "Melmo" toy we saw. 

Friday: Early birthday date with the Handy Man! We went up to the Westside Market in Cleveland. It was pretty cool. We ended up buying beef jerky (that Michael Simon said was "the best thing I ever ate"), canolis, a "Melmo" cupcake, basil, pepperoni break and gyros from Steve's Gyros (they were on Man vs. Food). 

Saturday: Dinner at Max and Ermas! The Girly was getting teeth so it was a little of a struggle but the double chocolate chip cookies at the end made it worth it.

Sunday: Eva surprised me with an early birthday cake at the family reunion. She said 30 is kinda a big deal. I was really surprised. 

Monday: We picked up these letters at a garage sale last week and the Girl is in love with them. Her favorite thing is to dump them out and put them back in the bag. She already knows "G" and we are going to start working on "E" next.

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