Wednesday, August 14, 2013

PL 2013 - Week 31

Tuesday: Gracie was super excited to find an "ow" on her steps. This one was even tame enough to let her come down and pet him. She was in kitty heaven!

Wednesday: The Girl hit her eye on the entertainment unit. It just scraped it and it didn't swell or turn black and blue. She was pretty tough and didn't even cry too much.

Thursday: 5:30 = Sesame Street. Every body has to watch Elmo and Abby.

Friday: We got some chubby crayons for the Girly last week and she has been having a good time coloring. We are working on only coloring on the paper.

Saturday: We went to visit Miss Carol and she showed us how to make these awesome hair bows. Handy made the majority of them. Apparently we can call him "Crafty" Manny too.

Sunday: After making all those bows Handy decided to make a hair bow holder for Gracie's room. We got fabric and ribbons to match her quilt and a frame. Handy did the rest and it looks great on her wall.

Monday: Happy 16 months Girly! 

Stats: 21-ish lbs. Size 12 month clothes, size 3 diaper, size 4 shoes.

Favorites: Elmo, noodles, grapes, letters, bubbles, bath time, pushing the button to start the washer and dryer, necklaces and bracelets, books, curious George, Abby and "ows".

Says: pretzel, chip, Gigi, Mama, Dada, Bubby, Melmo, Abby, teeth, bubble, shoes, up, cup, bear, Nemo, "g", apple, more, hello, bye, "ow", Puff, baby, cupcake, bath, Gabby.

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