Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Project Life: Week 32

Sunday: The Girly is 4 months old! 13 lbs, 24 in. long. She is (still) wearing 0-3 and 3 month clothes with a size 1 diaper. She is sleeping from 8:30 p.m to 4:00 am and then goes back to sleep until 7:00-8:00. During the day she eats every 3.5 - 4 hours. We took her on vacation, to the zoo and to get her ears pierced. She has started playing with her toys and likes her exersaucer and jenny jump-up. She loves to go shopping!

Monday: Why yes, a baby does live here... How could you tell?


Tuesday: We went to the Girly's 4-month well child check up. She had to get some shots in her chubby little thighs. She wasn't too happy about it.

Wednesday: The Girly found her first boyfriend. Too bad he lives 12 hours away. She spent the whole day with Jeremiah. She cried the whole way to Target because she wanted him to hold her rather than sit in her car seat. The minute we got there and he picked her up she was fine.

Thursday: I think I am shedding worse than the dog! I knew that my hair would fall out after my hormones adjusted but I never thought it would be this bad. There is hair everywhere and I've been running the sweeper like crazy.


Friday: I started making treats for Community Impact Day on Sunday. We had to find something we could do with a 4 month old... no stadium cleaning for us this year... so we decided to deliver cookies. We were responsible for bringing 6 dozen cookies!

Saturday: The doctor said we could start giving the Girly cereal. She was more interested in the bib than eating what was on the spoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. G,

Was searching for my GF’s blog and came across yours. Loved your pictures of your little girl's ears pierced. This was a perfect age to do when mommmy can care for them and she'll just grow up with them thinking they are part of her. She is totally adorable with those CZS in her ears. I think you were a super smart mommy wanting it done early.

She'll thank you later for the “gift of pierced ears” as an infant! Like you, I was envious of other girls in preschool with earrings and wish my mom had pierced my ears as an infant.

Our ped also encouraged to do it when mommy could care for them. I think babies and little girls with
pierced ears are adorable. It celebrates their femininity and femaleness. I kept seeing babies
and little girls with earrings and how cute they were with little gold studs in their ears poking through their hair.

Our ped gave me some suggestions for moms having their infant dd’s ears pierced as well as for “Tips for moms having their dd’s ears pierced/Care of Newly Pierced Ears.”

If any other moms thinking about it and want to do it now or would like them, write me an e-mail.
