Sunday, February 20, 2011

365 - Week 7

365 days = 365 photos

Saturday - We went to the IVC wrestling tournament. It was actually the closest match to home this year and we got to see the Rockets and the Cardinals.

Sunday - Bevo got to go on his first strut of the year. It has been too cold to go for any walks so he was super excited for this one.

Monday - Happy Valentine's Day - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Tuesday - Handy got some new boots for work this week. His last pair had a hole in them and made his toes cold.

Wednesday - It's a good thing we bought these in bulk at the beginning of the winter. We made it through most of the season before the cold bug visited our house.

Thursday - We loved this heat wave... too bad it didn't last very long

Friday - Dear Toby Mac... you're awesome.

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