Sunday, December 21, 2008

Here we go!

Let the holiday rush begin!

We went to our first family gathering last night with the Harsh family. It was nice to see everyone since we really didn't get to talk to them too much at the wedding. Of course I took my camera (but forgot to check if my flash batteries were any good and had to make a trip to the store to get some new ones) and ended up with some good pictures.

Zach wanted his picture taken with Grandma. He likes to see himself on the camera screen :o)

Thanks to Aunt Pam for taking this one. We have plenty that were taken by holding the camera at arms length. It's nice to have one were you can see more than our faces.

Look at those good lookin' guys!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Look there is my other boyfriend who really isn't my boyfriend. Did you ever find anything for Richie??

- - Did you watch Little People tonight? I cried, I couldn't help it, my sister kept looking at me to see if I was okay. I was super sad =[