Monday, November 26, 2007


Mr. and Mrs. Micah Buttler...

Our wedding is the next. I can't wait!

P.S: On a side note (that made me really happy) the photographer that was hired saw Richie taking pictures with my camera and started asking him about it. He said that we were getting some really great shots. That just made my day. A real photographer, with professional equipment, telling us that he liked our pictures. Hooray!


Melissa said...

ha yeah I told you about rasputia lol!

and you take really good pics

and I am jealous you have a cooler phone than I do! haha

Melissa said...

yes I know I need more work to do..
but if the teacher is not going to give it out I am not going to complain!

okay the maniac poster thing confused me a little bit...
[[ I tend to have blonde moments!]]

okay so you are saying I sohould post a thing about what I like..

Sounds like a good idea =]

I might have to try that!